Ep. 23: Don’t Punch Butts
Dan & Emily talk about Wreck-It Ralph and guess songs again.
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Hey, guys, welcome back to another episode of My Kajiggers with, well, Dan and Emily, it's been a while since we've said it like that, but we've got a while since you've said it like that.
So I'm not brain functioning today. We probably spend about 15 minutes trying to open the show because my dog decided to throw up twice. But Today show we're talking about video games and in particular the movie Rickitt Ralph. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's been a long time since I've actually watched it. It's probably been since it first came out on DVD, if you watched it again, right?
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it was like this is going to be a short conversation.
No, I watched it, but like before then, it's been a few years since I've seen it.
It was my first time seeing it. I don't know why I never saw it, but it's on Disney plus now, so. Yeah. And isn't there a sequel. Yes. And it's called Ralph Breaks the Internet. Oh. To see that's on Disney. It is right next to it if you type in Rickett. Well I search for wreckage Ralph to last night and nothing showed up so that explains it.
Yeah. It doesn't say my dumb ass Yehya spell reck. No. With an R instead of a W.
Nice good job.
And OK, before we get into talking about the movie, let's do our usual catch up on the week.
Nothing really major here, but I did go to an escape room today with Mikey's mom and her boyfriend and one of his brothers and it was Wizard of Oz theme and it was really cool. And we beat the timer. That's good. And escape rooms are fun. Well, where are you going to call it? Regular s? I think we beat it with like less than two minutes to spare, but I actually ended up completing the master myself. I mean, everybody else is trying to figure it out, but I'm like, OK, there is like a podium and I got the things turned and then the screen turned on and somebody talking and then I'm like, oh, maybe these levers it had like dials and had to move the levers the way the dials are pointing and I beat it. But no, it was a lot of fun and I would definitely do it again. I kind of wished though that there was more to it. It didn't feel like we were in there and our what we beat in forty eight minutes, so it was more than two minutes to spare. So we actually did pretty good. Yeah. But I do wish there was like another level or something like it could have been like a little bit more time with another room.
Yeah. So was there only the one room.
Three rooms. So you started up in Kansas and like a little shack but like it wasn't, you weren't Dorothy Dorothy. It was leaving you the notes. OK, and so you started off in Kansas and then you went to like the Munchkinland and then the third one was the Osram.
Ok, that's almost Goulder. But I kind of wish there was like if they were their own, like the wicked witches castle in there was like an extra room and then to Oz. Yeah, that would be pretty cool.
I've only been to one escape room and it only had two rooms, but it's definitely something that I would do again probably not that same place.
It wasn't that great. Yeah. Yeah. But I would like to because they've got some Halloween ones that are coming up and the people that owned the one that we went to also hosts The Darkness. So that'll be really cool to do. We should look at doing that and be fun as usual.
Now, a whole lot going on in my life. I finally got hooked on the Clone Wars. It took a while. I've given it many. It's far enough in that I'm like, OK, I want to see what happens in the next episode. There's such short episodes. That's annoying, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm almost done with the first season.
I talk about Vikings. Last time you did OK.
I still like Vikings, so I'm really into the Clone Wars now, so I'm probably going to just be watching a hell of a lot more of that.
I've been playing a lot of Sims, so I have a moonwalked and a lot of TV. So I'm doing a rags to challenge, which you just make your SIM as pure as possible and get them to be like the richest person in town. So without cheating. So I like to cheat. Oh, I do too. So that's what makes it a fun challenge. And with the new eco lifestyle pack, you can dumpster diving and well, you can basically find almost any item you can buy normally. And so like I found this super fancy stove and if you sell it, it's thirteen thousand simoleons and I end up getting that the dumpster and sold it for thirteen thousand simoleons. So I'm like, oh, I want to make her like a restaurant here, whatever you want to call it, like her own restaurant. So now I've got to do that and make her poor again and struggle from the ground up.
You talking about the dumpster. Remind me of someone at work the other day was taking forever to come back in from taking out the trash. And when I asked them what was taking them so long, they were just like, wow, I'm just rearranging the dumpster. And all I could think with another coworker was, that's an urban dictionary and it doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to figure out what that would be. So.
Let's put an urban dictionary to it.
I'd rather not let people use their imaginations like there's really only one good definition for that but stuff.
Yeah, you're welcome. It was just too perfect. I miss because I don't get to do that at my job that I have now. I mean, we do make some pretty bad jokes, but like when I worked with you guys, we took it way too far. And the further it went, the better it got. But it also got really fucking weird.
Yeah, that's the best. Those when it gets so far away from what you were originally joking about. And it's just weird and surreal.
See, my favorite part was that trickling people off and how uncomfortable it made. I would like to see who was standing left and usually was you and I. Yeah. The memories I miss work there sometimes, but also not.
Yeah, I feel that. Me, too.
I still work there and I miss working there sometimes, but mostly not.
I definitely was. The hardest part about leaving is like leaving the good co-workers.
Yeah, well, I can't help while we dive right into talking about record morale. I guess I should do the summary just off the top of my head since I didn't prepare for it. Fucking send it for anybody who hasn't seen wreck it. Ralph, it's basically set in the world of arcade video games. And Ralph is a Donkey Kong style bad guy and a really old 30 year old video game. And he's just tired of being the bad guy. He wants to be the good guy for once. And everybody treats them like crap because his job is to just tear up this apartment building day after day while another guy comes and fixes it. And everybody's grateful to the hero, but nobody ever thinks him for his hard work every day. So he escapes from his game and goes in pursuit of getting a medal that will tell people he's a hero. And along his journey, he runs into a little girl named Penelope in a almost Candyland style racing game. And he teams up with her to help her accomplish her dreams and hopefully accomplish this goal of obtaining a medal.
Fix it. Felix Junior is an actual game, right?
Yeah, they made that into a game around that time. It's not bad. I remember playing it on my iPad when it came out.
As I say, I've never played it, but I thought it was a game that came out like years ago.
It was just created to go with. There's like a tie in for the movie. OK, it's not it's not a bad game. It's right up there, like the whole Donkey Kong style thing where bad guys at the top of the level, you just dodge obstacles and attacks while you try to work your way up there.
Yeah, I do like this movie quite a bit and I forgot how much I like to because like I got when I watched it this time around, I was like, oh, you know, just I because I completely forgot about like what happened in the movie and it got me sucked in again. And I like my movies can do that. And I don't know, it's like I like cartoon movies because I've got the brain of a five year old boy, like they did a really good job with this movie.
Yeah, I thought so too. It's it's one of those rare video game movies that doesn't suck, probably because it's not trying to be an adaptation of any specific video game.
I really liked that. In the world of like after the video game, the arcade closes. So then the video games become like the real people. This is like their job working the video game machines and there's what was it called? Game Central Station. Yeah. And it was just like it was a train station like Grand Central Station in a surge protector is what I loved. The tricks that they did to make it look as human as possible was really cool. And like there was a like an AA meeting almost. Yeah. For guys, they called it bad guys, a nine or something.
I may be a bad guy, but that doesn't mean I have to be a bad guy. Yeah. I just love that like. Oh wow.
They had a tavern which was a game called Tavern and but they didn't serve alcohol the kids movie. But I mean there were some like good adult humor though in that movie.
I liked the little touches like in the game Central Station, since it's supposed to be a surge protector. If you look at the walls, it has markings like a surge protector would like one twenty five bulb, fifteen amp or something like that.
I don't think I actually notice that.
And just having worked in hardware and putting up enough electrical plugs and stuff like yeah that's on my, I was just drawn to it.
Yeah. I liked that they so when they were at the meeting the bad guys were at the meeting there and a man's world because the, you know, the ghost has the room and so when they're exiting it goes out to a shot of the old pixellated game. That was a really nice touch. Yeah. I like because some of them they did the final touches to like if they panned out, it was the old like pixilated graphics. Yeah. Which that's impressive. But like when it got up close, like the graphics or so the animation was really good.
Well did you notice there's a scene early on when Ralph is trying to crash a party and he accidentally smashes this cake and it splatters all over everybody. Did you notice the splatter is all pixilated on people? Oh, yeah, it's in square shapes. It's a subtle thing, but it's it's great if he knows that there's lots of little things like that in the movie.
Spingarn The people in the Fix It Felix game, Ralph and Felix move normally, but like the other people move like they jumped and like they had boxy arms and they like, yeah, it was like 2D almost, but they were like three dimensionally made. But they moved in 2D. Yeah. That was actually really cool. And then the. Part where Felix meets that commander, she's a badass. Yes, oh, there is a game in there called Hero's Duty, Celgar, Gears of War or something like that. Yeah, and the squad commander is this female. And did we ever. I can't remember her name.
If she had a name, she had a name, but I can't remember. All I can think of is Jane Lynch. Yeah. I think pretty sure that who VoiceStream Lynch and the character looks like like super hot 20 year old idealized version of Jane Lynch.
But she is a hard ass badass and she's like she's probably one of my favorite characters because female empowerment. But Felix asked, like, why is she the way she is? Well, she he asked if she always like that. He goes, yeah, the programming made her the toughest background of any other videogame. She has the most tragic background of any character. And so, like on her wedding day, her fiance, a groom, was eaten by this bug character from the game that they're killing. And she like goes fucking psycho.
Yeah, I love that part because it is such a really over-the-top, tragic backstory. And the narration is, who's the one day in her life she didn't do a perimeter and her husband got eaten. But then at the end of the movie or the Fix It, Felix, get married and you see, like the entire audience at the wedding has, like sniper rifles pointed at the window in case anything crashes through. You see a whole bunch of red dots just on the window.
The Orio guards.
I haven't you know, it's so great because you went to that Wizard of Oz themed escape from that joke. Got me. So in this Candyland style world, there's a king and he has Castle is protected by Oreo's with Spears, but the establishing shot of them is almost identical to the shot of the guards outside the witch's castle in Wizard of Oz. And they're just marching around going or really we.
I loved that. It's the little things like when you watched again that you pick up and the subtleties of like the way they related the game stuff to real life. Just some of the things that the analogy would say would really like. She would change it to like some kind of candy twist. And I really appreciate the small details that they did to that.
I think that's the difference between a just rushed out kids movie that people are going to forget about, or a really good animated movie where the writers and the animators, they take time to just add in stupid little things, but they build out the world like that.
There was a crude reference right after the commander and Felix got together to find Ralph, and I can't remember what it was. I don't think I got it. But like I mean, even that the beginning of the movie, it said there was some crude humor. And I'm like, what this movie is like when you watch things as an adult, you realize I'm like, holy shit, that was actually in there. But kids don't get it. No, it's little touches for the adults that I appreciate.
Another movie that I really like that does this all video game world thing without being based on a specific game is ready. Player one Have you ever seen that? I can't go as far as to say it's a great movie, but it's a good popcorn movie, especially if you'd like the not even just video games, which is pop culture references, like it's just got a lot going on. So it's like lots of little things in the background that you appreciate may well have to do it at some point.
Yeah, because I remember it coming out and it wasn't something I was actually interested in seeing just because I didn't like the cast line up. So and it didn't look like I like old video games, but it just didn't look appealing it. I don't know why, but it just I couldn't see myself watching.
It wasn't a movie I was playing on scene and then it just happened to be I was meeting some friends to hang out for my birthday. It was the only thing really showing, like, OK, we'll give it a try. And I've watched it several times. And one thing I notice in this movie, where is this arcade? I don't think arcades are that popular anymore, like especially standalone arcades, maybe like Dave and Busters type places, but not a standalone arcade where people are waiting at opening time for them to come and unlock the doors.
I wish that was still a thing, though. And what's probably been like fifteen, twenty years since like that really was popular because now kids have so much access to games and just the palm of their hand. I wish I was old enough to go to arcades because when we're at the escape from that old pinball machines, they were so much fun. And I think our kids are cool.
I went to an arcade a couple of times as a kid. They were already on their way out when I was little because consoles were the big thing and in arcade games never going to be as in depth as any console game. But one thought I had watching this movie was Sugar Rush, Vanilla Bees Racing Game. It very much to me, since it's supposed to be a more modern game, it reminds me of something that would be more of a mobile phone game, which kind of makes sense because mobile games right now in arcade games back then operate under the same principle of just get them to keep paying money. Arcade games. We're supposed to be easy to pick up, but almost impossible to beat because you want people to keep plugging in quarters. And now we just have that same system on our phones where it's like, OK, you can kind of have fun or you can have a little more fun by paying a dollar ninety nine over and over again.
The small little trickery. When I was in Florida last year, we went to a 80s style bar and it was a gaming bar and it had a bunch of like old games. And you don't have to pay any money for them. Yeah, that's cool. I mean, the drinks paid for themselves, but like all the old video games that they had, there's like all these things that I never played before. But like, I knew that was like my only experience of going into, like an arcade when I was a kid.
The thing that was popular was fighting games or side scrolling games like X-Men or streetfighter, those kinds of things. But I do remember encountering like this Pacman from time to time in those games. Those are challenging you. You don't really have to invest in the story. So when you're ready to walk away, just walk away.
At the opening of the show, they had the streetfighter. Is that what it was? Yeah. Zenga, yeah. They were the first ones to open the show almost. And then when the arcade shut down, they're like, they will give you time to get a drink though. Like if you're buying and they just walk off.
Oh yeah. That was Kintner year. That was great there mid-flight like quitting time was going to drink.
And I just like the fact like vanilla p she's like this little girl because sugar us their characters are all girls except for King Candy and she's essentially a glitch in the game. She was or that's what I was meant to be. She's a glitch in the game and glitches I'll add to her. So she's basically trying to fight her way into this race and win so she can prove to them that she is more than just a glitch. Right. But turns out that's how she was actually made.
And she's kind of well, the glitch was introduced later, but she decided to keep her glitch even after she was restored to being a real character.
Yeah, and I thought that I mean, because that's who she is and that's what she grew to be fond of. And that's kind of like what the message of the movie is like. They had to find their own, like, acceptance because who they were, because it took until the end of the movie, like Ralph became OK, like after he essentially like the one guy from what's his name, Gary Graig, whatever.
The one villager and fix it. Felix was just an asshole.
Oh, I didn't learn his name.
But you're talking about he was just he's a piece of shit, but like the rest of them, like became accepting. And when Ralph helped save the world from world, the world, the video game world from the bug, the virus that got out and helping vanilla people find out who she truly was, it really spoke volumes because, I mean, you always you thought like, oh, this is just going to be about Ralph winning a medal. But I mean, I had a lot it was more in depth, but like, it was still a kid's movie, but it was actually it had deeper meaning.
Do you want to go deep? I have some deep thoughts.
Go for it. You can go deep. So Ralph starts questioning his life and where he's going on the 30th anniversary of the game. So it's like his 30th birthday. He's having a quarter life crisis. Yeah. And trust me, I've been there. I know what that's like your thirties. And I'm like, well, I'm not sure I want to keep doing things quite the same way I've been doing them. I got to start thinking about where my future's going. But I think this movie is a metaphor for parenthood. Yeah, I think it's like the journey from just the simple legal adulthood of your twenties, technically adult. But yeah, you get to actually maturing in your 30s. So like Ralph, he's feeling purposeless. He starts to pursue what he thinks is his new dream. And then suddenly an unexpected child derails Ralph's dreams, leading to anger and resentment. But then his better instincts lead him to start caring about this kid, and he starts putting his energy into helping her pursue her goals. And then he finds his purpose in making her dreams come true. Wow. I think that's a journey. A lot of people go on when they unexpectedly become parents and then they just take to it in some way, what they wanted isn't as important anymore.
I don't think I would have ever thought of it like that. But when you're talking, I thought about it like it doesn't break the fourth wall, but it kind of without acknowledging, you know, an audience viewing, but they're interacting with the humans of the movie world. So, like, in a sense, they do break a fourth wall kind of. And like they're self aware of like their purpose in their video games, which is kind of neat to me. Yeah, sorry that I don't know why I like that. Just randomly popped in my head. Continue with your deep thoughts.
All of that just kind of resonated with me. I mean, I don't have kids, but I know what it's like to reach a point in your life when you're asking questions about like, what am I doing with my life? What should I be doing? I don't know. And then also having seen people have kids they weren't planning on having, but then they just become great parents.
Oh, did you have any other deep thoughts?
At one point in the movie? We are led to believe that because the Nalpas glitch, which is treated as a disability or disease, if she is allowed to actually race, which is her dream that Ralph is helping her pursue, she'll become a permanent racer for players to choose from. But then they'll start complaining that she's glitchy. So the game will be treated as out of order and unplugged. All the normal characters can escape to Game Central Station, but glitch characters can't leave their game. They can't go to Game Central Station, so she'll be stuck in it and she'll die when the world is unplugged. And it struck me as almost like when parents find out their kid has a disease and they have to choose, OK, what's more important for them to live longer but not get to be as happy? Where can I improve their quality of life? Let them pursue things that probably aren't that great for their long term health, but at least they get to be happy that.
Dan, who are you? Well, I connected with this movie on an emotional level. Let me say that.
I mean, those are two things I well, I kind of understand the disability thing with the game of her glitch being, you know, she's treated so shitty by the other players. But since we're talking about that kinkiness bitch and he actually ends up being the bad guy of the game, and once he's defeated, after she wins the race, the spell or whatever they are under disappears. And Vinnell P is actually the princess of the game, but she still has the glitch. And at the end of the movie, you see there is a young girl that wanted to play that game earlier and she was playing some of the other ones. Well, she's playing the racing game, the sugar racing game at the end. And she's Penelope and Vulpes. Glitch ends up helping her win the race because she teleport like it's almost like a teleport. Yeah. Which is kind of cool, honestly. And she uses that and wins the race.
I really like the character of Penelope. She very much reminds me of Louise from Bob's Burgers. Yes. That same kind of small, mischievous, but still kind of sweet character. Yeah, I have a soft spot for those types of characters on popular opinion.
I love Sarah Silverman.
I like Sarah Silverman too. I feel like sometimes she's too Sarah Silverman. But we know what you mean, though. When she was really up and coming, I definitely liked her. But now she kind of leans into trying to be obnoxious sometimes. Yeah, but yeah, I liked her portrayal of this character. I definitely need to see the sequel.
Me too. And I like that. Penelope almost looks like a baby cartoon character of Sarah Silverman too. Yeah, I like that. Like she because she got to put her own like like this was her character. But I don't really, really like this movie.
I did too. One thing I love about doing this podcast now and so much what we watch is on Disney. Plus just for convenience, it's really bring me back into Disney. For a long time I didn't watch that many Disney movies, I mean, Star Wars or Marvel, but those aren't really Disney years. And now I'm discovering these movies that I hadn't really given a chance, and I really like this one.
I definitely think we should do the sequel. Yeah, mostly because I know there's one partner that involves, like all the Disney princesses, because, well, technically, Penelope is a princess in this game and it's a Disney movie. Yeah. So she's a Disney princess, technically.
Yeah. Let's just leave it at that. And now we'll move into a little short segment of Shut Up and Take My Money.
We haven't played this in so long. It's not really playing anything at the moment.
Well, yeah, but we haven't done this in quite some time.
Yeah. That's just a segment we like to do from time to time where we find random things. That would be cool to own and for this particular episode, we found a couple video game themed items and I'll let you start.
Probably one of my favorite items is that somebody you refurbish a PlayStation and turn it into a clock. And I fucking love it because. Well, OK. Sega was actually my first game console, but like we had the Sega Genesis and the PlayStation all of the same time, I don't know how I feel about that.
I found the same one and almost used it. I hate to see actual consoles destroyed and turned into art when there's people out there that I'm sure would love to find one and refurbish it.
I still have my original PlayStation. It it does need a little work because it turns on. But now the PlayStation two memory card slots don't work.
The PlayStation one turns on, but it won't do something like I do need to get it fixed because I've got a bunch of PlayStation games I want to play like Twisted Metal and never played that one. But I know about it. Like we've got Kaspi in the queue and Spyro and Twisted Metal and a few other games. Tony Hawk, pro skater to probably one of my favorite games.
It's a cool idea. I just hate to see any of those old consoles that are going to be increasingly rare, basically destroyed for art.
Yeah, the 3D printed would be a lot lighter too, because politicians happy. Yeah. And I think a 3D printed one will be a little bit lighter because I mean, there's not it's not going to have all those interns on it.
Yeah. So my first one, it's a video game, Wrage Stress Relief Candle. It's labeled for when a nine year old kills you and teabags your dead body.
Mcqueeney that he game rageous so hard. That's why he's never allowed to buy another call of duty game, because that's all he does is because douchebags play Call of Duty, Fight Me. The game playing Call of Duty has gotten so out of hand.
Ok, so here's the thing. With any of those online shooters that I hate, if you don't get them on day one and devote your entire life to getting amazingly good at it and knowing every inch of every map, then you're never going to win any matches other than through blind luck from time to time. Yeah, I don't have that much time to devote to a game. I like something I can pick up and play casual with.
The last time I played Call of Duty is when I had my Xbox 360 and Call of Duty Black Ops two came out. So that was literally the last time I played it. How much is that? What, the candle.
Yeah, you should get it for him. And don't tell him you're getting it. Just wait until he's raging against somebody online and light it and just end it. Don't even say they just handed to him and walk away. It is seven ninety six.
It's not bad for a candle considering Yankee Candle is like thirteen dollars for a small one. So my next one is a Super Mario Brothers toilet paper holder and it's like a Lego Mario. OK, so it's got like, you know, the claw hands that holds the roll Bronx just got up against evil.
He's mixed in and was rubbing against it so hard he just pushed it away from her mouth.
I have a story of about him, but we'll do it after this because it was fucking gross, but is a 3D printed toilet paper holder and oh my gosh, there's Captain America, there's Homer Simpson, there's Deadpool. There's a spark. That's cool. There are some Star Wars ones. And like the light saber is a toilet paper holder.
Oh, there's an actual light saber. One is over here rubbing against my laptop. And then he starts trying to on the side of a Disney, rub his mouth on it.
Yeah. He just lifts his lip up and just rubs his face on it. I don't know if, like, that gets like it stank on there or something. I don't know anyway on but these are really cool. Would be down to get one if it wasn't so expensive.
How much is it. Fifty three dollars. God damn. I'll do my last one then you can tell you disgusting story about Bronx. OK, so my other one that I thought you would enjoy is a mousepad for when you're playing Sims it has a little like diamond shapes and well is I torture imaginary people. I do. I need that. I had the persons and that was about all I did was that will order imaginary people.
That was my favorite. The Sims one was my favorite. And it's so hard to come by now because you can't play it on Windows Ten. You have to have a certain software to play it. And even then sometimes it will crash because there's some YouTube is that I watch that play Sims. And she'll one of them, she plays The Sims one every once in a while and it glitches. I love The Sims as long as I love playing The Sims.
So what's your story about Bronx?
I don't think you're ready for this. OK, so yet again, I have court Bronx humping my stuff and he's the really bad about it. Again, I've got a blanket in the bedroom, but like my all time favorite blanket, it's got the Carolina Panthers on it and it's balled up on the bed. I laid it there and I come home. I think it was Wednesday when I after I worked at the bar and Bronx taken it to downtown. I pushed him off of it, turned around to do something to ease back on it.
I pushed him off so hard he didn't have enough time, pulls Peter. And so he was laying on the bed, legs spread, staring at me like I just ran over him. Think how he don't want my shit. I pushed him off once because of it and he goes back within seconds to finish and even get to finish because it was so weird.
It's not his fault. You won't get him away.
No, it's his fault that he can't have another cat to be a hump buddy because he will kill it.
What if what? Best of both worlds. You get Bronx a taxidermy female cat. I'm pretty sure he would still attack it. Oh, Creevey, would that be though, you just walk in that your cats a stuffed cat. That's why you would probably want to lie.
In all seriousness, that actually happened. I would go straight in the fucking basement. You do whatever you want down there. I don't give a fuck as long as it's not up here on my stuff. Just my stuff. Always my stuff. Oh, this cat infuriates me, but I love him so much between the screaming for food because I feed him enough.
Dan, he gets two scoops of food a day and I fill his bowl and he screams at me because it's not what food that I apparently I don't give him what food I give him, what food like once to two times a week if he's good.
I'm sorry. I'm just distracted by your dog walking back and forth with different toys, playing with them. She went from one side of the room, picked up a squeak toy squeak to all the way to go, put it on another side of the room, then picked up a tennis ball and brought it is sitting on Mickey's slide two.
She dropped it on my slide.
She was being such a good girl up until this point.
But now she's over at Ben's kennel. Skadi.
Oh man. Let's move on. We're going to bring back our game. We played a few episodes ago of.
Skadi, my favorite part is like when she picks up a toy, it's in victory and she trots away with it.
Yeah, we're going to return to the game we did a few episodes ago where we try to guess the artist or song just from the song lyrics. Last time we did it, I trolled Emily by doing all Chad Kroeger.
I still hate you for that. And when I was scrolling through my iTunes, one of his songs came up because I was with Santana and all I could do is just like shake my head and utter disgust and disappointment at that game. Why don't you go first with just a look? They shook and heavens bowed before him. Simply a look can break your heart. The stars that pierced the sky you left them all behind were left to wonder why you left us all behind. Should I know this song, I would think so.
It doesn't sound familiar at all, probably came out when you were in college.
I don't know. Where did you find that Scott is going crazy.
So we have Mark Fox and a couple of boxes ago it was themed to Scooby Doo because a new Scooby Doo movie came out. Yeah. And I have that one hint because she rips up toys so easy and she just found the fucker some. It's a mystery machine and she found it. And I don't know where she found it.
She just came running by like, where did you find.
Anyways, I have no idea what song I was mass murder by, and I know it Zell Miller at all.
My tummy is turning and I'm feeling kind of homesick. Too much pressure and I'm nervous. That's when the taxi man turned on the radio and the Jay-Z song was on its Miley Cyrus party in the USA.
Yes, it is. I don't like where this is going already.
How could you possibly know where this is going? Because it's you. OK, what's your next one?
Oh yeah. Don't need permission. Made my decision to test my limits because it's my business. God as my witness start what I finished. Don't need no hold up taking control of this kind of moment. I'm locked and loaded. Completely focused. My mind is open parts of it. Sound familiar. But I should say rapper. No, no I don't know. Ariana Grande did dangerous woman. I don't know that one.
Really. Yeah, I'm sure you heard. I probably like there's only a couple of underground songs that I like enough to know the actual song. Then are you ready for the next one. Absolutely not. There's always going to be another mountain. I'm always going to want to make it move. Always going to be an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm going to have to lose and about how fast I get there and about what's waiting on the other side to stop.
It's Miley Cyrus. Are you sure about that one? Yeah. Is this the climb? The jump. I hate you. Would you care to guess what the next one is?
Miley Cyrus, some kind of variation? I would be surprised if there's some Hannah Montana in there. We'll see. I got to regret right now the area so cold and no, let me go in her room. I want to take off her clothes, show me the way to bed. Show me the way you move bucket. It's such a blur. I love all the things you do. You have to know this. And if you don't, I'm going to be upset.
It sounds familiar. It sounds so familiar.
Should I sing it to you with the other part?
And there it would probably sound like I would probably get it if I had the tune. That's why you're so good at, like, taking the tune out of this. I have no idea who actually is, but based just on the lyrics, I'm going to go with R. Kelly. No, absolutely. I try that again. I'll give you I don't know.
Let me see if I can sing this like Tom DeLong. Who?
Ok, I actually do know Tom DeLong is from some band, but I mostly only know him as being a UFO conspiracy theorist.
Blink 182 feeling this, I don't know. Yes, you do. I don't. If you listen to it, I bet you would. Oh, buddy.
So here's the thing. I don't listen to song lyrics most of the time. My theory with most hit songs is that you could put literally any lyrics in there and as long as it has a good tune, people will still love it. Here's my next one. I hope you're ready. I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime, but I'm a smoker now and not next time. Smoke any motherfucker the sweats me or any asshole that threatens me.
It has to have something to do with Miley Cyrus, because this is the trend that you are on, but I don't. Is that all you got and Lyric?
Yeah. Anything else would give it away? I don't know now. And that is nobody's perfect from Hannah Montana. Yeah, right. That's a director's cut.
You don't get a Disney plus. No, that is what the police buy. Anyway, it was hard to find something in that song that wouldn't immediately identify as that song.
You know, the last time we did this, I actually almost did that song. But I knew that it would be too easy for you to would ever guess that I would just become an NWA that I wake up in the morning, see your sunrise, love to go down, lousy lover, pick their prey, but they never cry out loud. Cry out. Does she make you cry, make you break down, shatter your illusion of love. And is it over now? Do you know how to pick up the pieces and go home.
That's what hurts me so familiar. I don't know. I suck at this game. I know.
Plays at your job quite often.
If certain people are there, I don't know.
And she may make you break the shadowy illusion of love.
Yeah, it's. Yeah. Yeah. It is right on the tip of my dog, Fleetwood Mac is this woman I gave that one to you. You did. But that said, even after, like, I could hear the song in my head, like What the Fuck News, that I like Fleetwood Mac, too. I should have known that one. I hope you get this one.
You're given a flower, but I guess there's just no pleasing you. Your lips taste sour. But you think that's just me teasing you. You got a reaction. You got a reaction, didn't you, punk?
I know this. I'm going to hate myself and I probably is in a band I listen to.
I don't know if you listen to them, but you know this song, it's blue and white stripes.
I don't listen to the White Stripes. I don't know no blue orchid. I know nothing of the songs because I didn't like them.
That was one of those songs that was everywhere at one point. I don't know how you would know that song. No guarantee for it, I'm sure. I just like I've probably heard every other one that you've given me.
So I have one set of lyrics by this band, and I just I want to give something easy to Dan because he does suck at this game. I do. So I just looked up another song by the same band, and I'm hoping that you get it because this was so hugely popular in India. This come out two thousand eight, OK, Xs on the back of your hands, wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands in your set list you stole off the stage has run purple lipstick all over the page. Bruce's cover your arms shaking in the fingers with the bottle in your palm is that is that's all I'm going to give you.
This is in the middle of the song.
I don't.
Do you want me to read you the beginning lyrics. Yes. Black dress with the tights underneath. I got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth and she's an actress, but she ain't got no need. She's got money from her parents in a trust fund back east.
The go to you know. I don't know.
Tongues always pressed to your cheeks or my tongue is on the inside of some other girl teeth, you can't keep looking at me with that disappointment.
I have no clue what this is. Don't trust me by three of three. That sounds like another made up band.
This was so hugely popular, three to three. It was like I seen them in concert a couple times and there's so much fun. And in 2008 when this came out, I was 12. I don't know what song. I'm sure you do. Just like everything else.
Ok. OK. My last one is probably going to be a little harder, so I'm going to give you more lyrics. They're going to fill up your nook with different kinds of e-books, but you can read them on Kindle to so many genres of fun. They come in fiction or non whatever language that you choose. Some people's fictional works or other sexual quirks. But we can censor them if you need. Don't try to read them in bed because some will mess with your head and drive you crazy as Charlie Sheen. I say literature scares the living shit out of me, and not just the books written by Stephen King. They're much too verbose and use such excessive prose. You might enjoy reading poems, but not me.
Is this supposed be teenagers by my Chemical Romance, but changed?
Yes, I changed it to. Let's talk about books.
How did you do that? I was really bored at work, that's impressive, like I'm giving you this.
That's impressive.
But like when you send that part of my tongue, I thought just from, like, the rhyme scheme, like you would get on the first couple.
I wasn't listening to the timescales, listening to the lyrics, because that's what I do is I see I listen to lyrics and I have such a good appreciation for this.
I am so impressed. I was also.
So people might not know that's something I just do when I'm bored at work, is I just make up a stupid song lyrics to go with existing songs. I am honestly impressed by actually not that long, but I felt particularly inspired. I mean, lately, the only other one I've come up with is you and me just sitting in the dark eating beans and trying not to fight in person.
This is a lot better.
I don't know. I really listen to that country bullshit.
Yeah, OK. Well, we start wrapping it up with an urban dictionary.
I can't wait to disappoint you with this. So Im staying with a FEMA. Wreck it Ralph. There is a Ralph Urban Dictionary Granny.
Probably not. Let's go.
When a man while performing vaginal or anal intercourse with a woman in the doggystyle position ejaculates while yelling I'm going to record while simultaneously performing a final power thrust and double Hammerfest on the woman's buttocks.
Sounds like he's about to rearrange the dumpster.
And unfortunately, that's the only urban dictionary that I have today because they alousi this week. That's OK.
Well, in the show, on that note, don't punch, but yeah. Don't punch. But the title of our show.
Yep. Yep.
Ok, as usual, we would appreciate it if you would give us any star ratings or reviews on whatever podcast platform you're listening to us on.
And don't forget, you can always find us on our website at My Kajiggers dot com or our Facebook page, My Kajiggers Podcast, where you guys can let us know what movie you want us to review. Let us know what you think of Rickitt role and let us know what other games you want us to play because we have fun playing games on here.
Yeah, until next time. Bye, Felicia. Felicia.
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